Installation and maintenance

Industrial installation and maintenance work requires solid experience.

Learn more about one of our case examples

A full range of industrial installation and maintenance work

Our engineers and maintenance personnel have a wealth of experience that can help even in unexpected situations. Sites can include sawmills, pulp mills, chemical and energy plants, and mines.


Different industries have their own special characteristics that must be considered in installation and maintenance work. For example, chemical plants typically use stainless steel in sites that are exposed to heavy corrosion. Such plants may also use hazardous substances, which must be accounted for in occupational safety.


Our engineers participate in design


If we design the product ourselves, the engineers can give their input on the installation during the design phase.


In a turnkey delivery, the entire project is handled by a single actor and there is plenty to do for all areas of the machine shop. More extensive turnkey deliveries, which are made in-house from start to finish, are some of the simplest to install.

We also deliver finished devices, piping, and structures

In addition to its own projects, we also install equipment, piping, and steel structures for which customers have ready components.


Projects like these begin with an assessment at the customer’s premises. The assessment is used to determine a schedule and to select engineers with the most suitable experience.


Installation work always considers the customer’s wishes and permitted standards and regulations.

We prepare for turnaround maintenance well in advance


Turnaround maintenance is typically known well in advance. Preparations for the turnaround maintenance are made ahead of time by reserving spare parts and supplies that may be needed at the site.


Before turnaround maintenance, we take pictures of the site and plan maintenance work in advance together with the customer. We have received positive feedback on the success of our installations and maintenance. We fulfil our customers wishes even in unexpected situations.


We carry out maintenance work to the same extent as installation work, but often on much tighter schedules. A customer may have noticed that a device is faulty and must be repaired as quickly as possible in order to keep production stoppages brief. One good example of this is industrial gearbox maintenance.

Simetek Works Oy

Jukolantie 11
71800 Siilinjärvi, Finland
Ota yhteyttä-ikoni

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