Introducing our experts: Henri Takkunen, machinist
Machinist Henri Takkunen’s main responsibility is the use of the CNC-controlled milling and boring machine. He enjoys the challenge of working with large objects.
Henri Takkunen has ironclad experience with machining. He machines objects of all sizes that require manual or CNC-controlled machining. Takkunen mainly works with the CNC-controlled milling and boring machine, but sometimes he works with a lathe or other machining equipment. Takkunen is a qualified machinist.
“My main responsibility is using the milling and boring machine. I have also trained my colleague Tomi Leppänen so that he can help me out when my workload is heavy,” says Takkunen.
Takkunen began work at Simetek in 2015 through a leasing agency. His work was so good that he was made a permanent employee one year later. Before working at Simetek, Takkunen worked in Siilinjärvi, at Kuuskone Oy and Hydroline Oy. There his job description was similar to his current work at Simetek, but at Kuuskone Takkunen used manual lathes and broaching machines. At Hydroline, the machinery was CNC-controlled, like at Simetek.
Handling large objects provides a challenge
Occasionally, Takkunen encounters challenging projects while machining, but he is happy to face them head on.
“I enjoy working with large objects. They are slightly more complex and you have to really put some thought into them. It’s rewarding to see the results of your work on the finished product. You also have to be careful when handling large objects because they’re so expensive”, he adds.
Takkunen is aided in challenging projects by his work colleagues. He can always ask his manager or colleagues for advice, if he has trouble with an object.
“We always find a solution when we work together as a group to solve the problem.”
Friendly colleagues have also meant that Takkunen has settled in well at Simetek, and he enjoys his work. In addition, his commute to work is quite short.
In his free time, Takkunen goes to the gym and spends time with his kids. His family consists of his partner, his two daughters who are attending primary school, and his 1.5-year-old son.
Learn more about Simetek’s machining services.
And read the article about milling and boring!